Ariel – Israelista suomeksi

Israelin politiikka, puolustus ja yhteiskunta – faktoja, taustoja ja analyyseja suomeksi. ISSN 2342-8449



Ariel webpage

logotArAriel-Israelista suomeksi webpage [ ISSN 2342-8449 ] gives in Finnish language background information about Israeli politics, defence and society excluding religious themes.  The short and relatively neutral news-like articles are based on translations from direct sources.  The longer Op-Ed marked articles are reflecting personal viewpoint of author so some readers might feel them to be biased and provocative. 


DSCN0366 (2)Ariel Rusila is responsible about launching, editing and managing the Ariel-Israelista suomeksi webpage.  He is a blogger and freelancer and former development project management expert [and Sar-Elnik too] from Finland with a special interest in the Balkan region. His other interests include geopolitics, civil crisis management issues, EU external relations, North Black Sea region and The Great Middle East. His main blog is Conflicts By Ariel Rusila  [aka BalkanBlog].

Contacts:  E-mail-address is



English readers can better familiarize with content as follows:

  • The news-like articles are mostly translations from English to Finnish and the links to original sources are given in every post
  • The Op-Ed articles are short versions of articles published first in  Conflicts By Ari Rusila  , links to original are included to Ariel posts
  • The content in pages Dokumentteja  [Document library] and Israelin hallinto ja media (ENG) [Administration and media in Israel] are in English.

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About Author

OmakuvaidfroundAriel Rusila is a blogger and former development project management expert from Finland with a special interest in the Middle East region. His other interests include geopolitics, conflicts and the Balkans.

Ariel webpage [ ISSN 2342-8449 ] gives in Finnish language background information about Israeli politics, defence and society excluding religious themes.

Author's main blog is Conflicts By Ariel Rusila [aka ex-BalkanBlog] - ISSN 2342-6675 - covers issues of conflicts and regionally the Balkans (esp. Serbia), the Black Sea region and MENA (the greater Middle East and North Africa and esp. Israel) regions as well EurAsia.

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* Anna Lindh Foundation NW
* G.N.S. Press Association & European News Agency
* International Press Card
* EzineArticles Expert Author
* Peace & Collaborative Development NW
* Take-A-Pen
* Suomi-Israel ry/Jyväskylä
International Solidarity Work (member of board)
* Left Alliance/FIN
* European Left/Agriculture WG

ISSN 2342-8449 / © / CC

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